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What is a workplace exploitation matter?


If you have experienced any of the following while working in Australia, you may have a workplace exploitation matter:

  • Not paid properly or not paid at all, including for training or trials (this includes not receiving entitlements like superannuation).
  • Had money taken from your wages, without your authorisation.
  • Treated as an independent contractor (with an Australian Business Number or ABN) when you are in fact an employee (with a Tax File Number or TFN) and not paid your proper wages and entitlements like annual leave and sick leave.
  • Asked to work in unsafe conditions.
  • Subjected to unwanted touching, sexual comments, or other conduct that amounts to sexual harassment.
  • Fired or forced to quit your job in circumstances that were unfair.
  • Treated unfavourably because of your identity or certain personal characteristics such as your age, gender, sexuality or nationality.
  • Required to make an up-front payment or pay a deposit for a job.
  • Had your workplace rights misrepresented to you.
  • Coerced or threatened so that you will do certain things (e.g. threats to have your visa cancelled if you complain about your work conditions).
  • Pressured to do or not do certain things (e.g. not to join your union).

Contact Us

The Migrant Workers Centre is staffed from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Messages received outside these hours will be answered as soon as possible.
For all media inquiries, please contact Omar Ghazala, Digital and Communications Officer via email [email protected]